Mätthun ankkuriosuuden kertomus

Mätthu valottaa, mitä Tiomilan ankkuriosuudella tapahtui; ketkä jäivät jalalla ja ketkä suunnistaen. Tarinan ohessa kannattaa katsella osuuden kulkua TarcTracin gps-seurannasta


When we reached fourth place in Tiomila last weekend, it was not only the best achievement of Rajamäen Rykmentti in that competition for a long time. It was also my best result ever in a big club relay. Anyway, I’m still hungry – for a place among the three best teams!

I headed out to forest more then ten minutes after I have seen Emil Wingstedt, Michal Smola and Daniel Hubmann starting for the big fight. In that moment it was very clear to me that there is no chance to catch up with some of those teams. They are all World class runners and will stay together to the end because of the non forked leg.

I had one first goal. Tero Föhr started just about a half a minute in front of me and I wanted to catch him up. He’s a very good runner and if we run together we can be faster than alone. Unfortunately the gap was that big that I couldn’t see him. I took other route choice to first control and was very happy to see the shirt of VeVe when I headed towards second control. So far I have been running all alone those first three kilometres.

From that point of the race it has been mostly Tero or me running in front of a group. I didn’t exactly know which teams followed us and how many we had already caught up. I had to be very carefully with reading the map because there had almost been several mistakes by losing right direction. When we came to the passing at the arena we were three runners left in that group: Tero, Scott Fraser (TuMe) and me. On the way to the next control I made a parallel mistake and read from wrong hill. Everyone was getting unsure when I had to stop running and try to find out what went wrong. I saw others and waited to see their reaction. I was pretty sure we had gone too much to the left side and was very happy when Tero run to the left. I run away with two runners in the back. Troeng from OK Linné seemed to have problems with his foot (he twisted his ankle). At that moment I had no idea what placement we were running for.

My tactic was to push hard because no one wanted to go in front anyway. When I made a mistake to 19th control everyone just followed. That’s the positive point about having other runner’s respect from previous results…

On the very last part of the race I was getting more tired. But there was still Scott Fraser on my back. I recognized that he is suffering as well and when I attacked at second last control he had no energy left.
It was very nice to come to the run-in and see team mates waiting. I was very happy and surprised about 4th place. It felt great and I definitely want to get more of it!


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